The Military Continues to Try to Save Us From Neocon Warmongering

Yesterday on Cspan, you could watch Naval Postgraduate School professor Vali Nasr talking about Sunnis and Shi’ites, at a book store, and Noam Chomsky speaking at West Point last spring. Both messages were leftwing, Nasr’s about the importance of understanding Arab hearts and minds, Chomsky’s about imperial ambitions. The appearances underscore one of my favorite themes: that the military is supplying the backbone to the new realist/antiwar braintrust. As brave generals are showing us again and again by speaking out, the military knows that the neocons’ ideas are crazy. Chomsky got a rousing ovation from the West Point cadets. Say that again: Noam Chomsky got a rousing ovation from the West Point cadets. What a great country we could still be…

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