Alas, Vicious Anti-Arab Prejudice Is Not Newsworthy

Yesterday’s Times had a front-page piece on a telephoned threat to N.Y. Gov. Spitzer’s father, and the Republican consultant who’s accused of making it.

Sadly,  no one in the mainstream press has gone after the vicious anti-Arab telephone calls and emails issued by a State Department official to Arab-Americans, including the eminent James Zogby. The best coverage here has been George Ajjan’s blog. Here’s what the Arab-hater, Patrick Syring, said to Zogby:

"The only good Lebanese is a dead Lebanese. The only good Arab is a dead
Arab. Long live the IDF. Death to Lebanon and death to the Arabs."

Syring has retired from Foggy Bottom and was indicted in federal court for threats last week. The Washington Post has covered the case, somewhat. I want a real story. I want to know whether Syring is Jewish (given his feelings about the IDF), I want to know who knew about his attitudes in the State Department and why it took a year for this to come out. Anti-Arab prejudice ought to be rooted out, like other forms of prejudice. Where’s the press?

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