Hillary Tries to Overcome Her Arrogant Image by Saying ‘Privileged’

I watched 20 minutes of the debate last night, about as much as I could bear, and noticed that Hillary twice used the word "privileged" to describe her public service. She was privileged to represent the people of New York. Had been privileged to spend 8 years in the White House. The 2nd most calculating human being on the planet doesn’t pop out with the same word like that inside of five minutes without its having been scripted; and this is surely an effort by her handlers to overcome the image she and her husband have of dynastic assumptiveness. The White House is ours, we’re gonna get it back. Bill Clinton radiated that aura last week. Like he can’t wait to be taking phone calls from heads of state again, rather than just from rich guys… People resent those airs and want to punish the Clintons for it. Hillary’s "privileged" tack is a way to disarm the resentment.

Oh my, what will we do when we don’t have the Clintons to kick around anymore?

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