
Is the Peace Process a Delusion?

Nearly two months ago, Saif Ammous attacked the peace process as a delusion here. Part of his analysis:

Israel has absolutely no intention of giving away anything meaningful
in the West Bank—certainly nothing on which anyone could establish a
viable state.   It is also painfully clear to anyone who cares to
reason that the American government has no intention whatsoever of
pressuring the Israelis into any form of concession.   Seeing as these
issues are the main issues standing between us and a peaceful solution,
one can be sure that there will be no way for a peaceful solution to be

I disagree with Ammous but I have to admit his argument is looking better, 3 months after Annapolis, than mine. He and I have had a spirited argument about these questions by email; later today I will be posting that dialogue. Just a headsup…

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