Samantha Power Has Done a Great Service by Naming Hillary

The writer Samantha Power has done us all a favor by throwing the word "monster" into the race. It is worth the loss of her advice-giving, which maybe she can resume after purdah. There is something monstrous about the Clintons’ appetites, ambition, and lies. They are extreme characters, the psychological expression we use now instead of monster. It is great that Power has named Clinton, she has given people a literary touchstone. Hillary’s statement on "60 Minutes" that she takes Obama at his word he’s a Christian, and her sharp cry to the people of Ohio that she will bring down gas prices–these were shameless, calculating moments. Yes I think that Obama is cold and arrogant, but he seems real and there is a sense of sincerity and intellectual honesty about him, of a personal code that is larger than his hunger for power. The only times Hillary has seemed humble, and she has, movingly, is when she has been on the losing end. Gee I hope she gets to develop this side of her character.

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