
Al-Jazeera Reporter Was Bounced for Using Question Time Reserved for Participants, AIPAC Explains

I just received a message from Josh Block of AIPAC explaining why he asked Clayton Swisher of Al-Jazeera English to leave the policy conference this week. Block says that Swisher was told ahead of time that he was free to tape breakout sessions–on such subjects as Israel's military power and the status of the peace negotiations–but that he was not to ask questions. The mike was reserved for AIPAC participants. I respect this rule myself. If I want to ask a question, I go up afterward, as I did on a couple of occasions. The people in the audience paid a lot of money, and many of them get turned away at the mike cause there's not enough time. Clayton–dude, I think you should have respected that rule. On the other hand I don't think AIPAC should have bounced him for that infraction.

Block adds that 460 reporters attended the conference, including several Arab stations and reporters like myself who have been highly critical of the organization; and that Swisher's crew got to stay. Block's "460" is meant to convey that this conference is covered in a straightforward manner. There I differ. Though the onus is on the press. And yes, I will say again, I was treated with fairness throughout. Though the break-out session on Palestinian Land Dispossession was off the record. (Sorry, couldn't resist; that last line was a joke.)

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