Georgia on Your Mind

Steve Sailer is on to the same issue I am, the importance of Jewish affinities, networks, and has this to say re Georgia:

[I]t is clear, that some Israelis have strong interests in Georgia,
and those Israelis have lots of connections in the U.S. So, say some
American pundit knows a guy through their kids' soccer team who knows a
lot about Georgia, and he heard it from his brother-in-law in Israel
whose next-door neighbor is in business with the Georgian government —
you know, that kind of thing….

These network biases are natural. What is unnatural is
that we Americans have unilaterally disarmed our national immune system
against people yanking our chains. We aren't supposed to ever
notice the pattern. When we hear this kind of propaganda, we aren't
allowed to laugh and say, "Oh, man, this isn't another one of those
Israeli weapons deals again, now is it?"

And of course we
absolutely aren't allowed to mention what a large fraction of American
pundits, reporters, editors, owners, and advertisers are Jewish.

Once again, this is not an example of Jewish conspiracy, but of Jewish networks and neuroses.

I mostly agree with Sailer. The subject gives a lot of people the heebie jeebies. So you have to be careful. Conspiracy doesn't sound good, that's why it's not a conspiracy! Network sounds halfway legit. Affinities is cool. Faction is positively Madisonian. I think the key is for Jews to be more open about their networks because god knows they're influential. I'd point out that Sailer is not approaching this subject with a Protocols of Zion spirit, but a far more legit, 2008 spirit: WTF!?

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