
Is ‘Haaretz’ Using Michael Phelps to Lead Israel Away From Jewcentricity?

Last night I saw a big black guy and a thin white guy massaging Michael Phelps between closely-scheduled events and was proud for my country.

There was no sense of servitude in the service, just American swimming guys. Haaretz goes further, saying that two Jews and another black guy (the three include swimmers Cullen Jones and Jason Lezak) are helping Phelps to victory.

Why do you care so much about racial/religious issues? my (gentile) sister-in-law challenged me last month in anger. It's people like you who are making things worse by insisting on this way of looking things. I said, the Zionists started me on it because Jewishness is all they care about, and I'm trying to point that out and diminish this as a factor in society.

Seems like Haaretz is doing the same thing. Trying to show Israelis the way toward a pluralistic society.

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