I’ve Started Reading the Comments on, ‘The Anti-Semites Are on My Side’

As any regular reader of this blog knows, the best post I've done in a while is the one about Anti-semites being on my side of these issues and what should I do about it. There have been a lot of comments, I've just started reading them. There's a lot of beauty and compassion and smarts in them. I'm humbled and grateful. I love MRW's story about Rumi and CS Lewis and his mother having a drink with the yoga teacher and his knowledge that he's an anti-Zionist, I love Leila Abu-Saba's wrestling with her anger and the friend that digs Daniel Pipes. Don't know if I could keep the friend. I've just gotten started reading, I'll have lots to say in days to come. But thanks. And yes, thanks Richard Witty. When I say more spiritually-evolved, I mean that you have a religious practice. It's been a serious area of exploration for you for most all your life. Not me. I think you probably hate politics. But politics is always with us, and you can't stop me talking about neocons and wanting an accounting. Look at Georgia. There is scurrilous murderous mischief afoot in our little world.

I'll get to more comments later. Some days I feel really lucky to have gotten this blog and found a community of sorts. The internet has blessed us in many ways. It's changing the world as radically as the printing press destroyed the tyranny of the Papacy. I know, convulsive, the NYT in the Waring blender. Institutional destruction. (I have faith; I'm a humanist, when I'm not a misanthrope.) I'm trying to get money to do this blog, or I'm going to quit it. But if I get money, I want to redesign the sucker so that There are just headlines on the page and then you click and get the whole post, and the comments. So the post is not privileged over the comments as much as it is now. I love Drudge's look, and Huffpo is like that too. (I need help on that stuff, design.) Now go for a walk.

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