
Israel Wants to Claim Livni as Its Obama (Good–Now Rise to the Occasion!)

Haaretz has an article calling Tzipi Livni, who looks to be the next Prime Minister, Israel's Obama. Not just one article I see, but two.

Memo to Israel: Blacks were enslaved in the U.S. The Constitution counted them at 3/5ths of a man. The U.S. went through bloody struggles over 2 centuries to liberate them. Jim Crow. Segregation. The civil rights struggle. And, as Obama reminded AIPAC in June: the murders of Jews alongside blacks in the south in the 1960s.

For history could not wait any longer, in a postcolonial age, for the liberation of American blacks. And black empowerment here led to the divestment movement against apar****d.

If Livni is your Obama then lift your head and see where the world is going. Kosovo gets a state after 10 minutes, in a bloody region. Pakistan and India have had states for 60 years, in their bloody region. But the Palestinians have been denied a state for 60 years because they are unworthy of the great western democratic principles that Israel supposedly embodies, as it gobbles their land and imposes apar****d conditions. Sorry, have to use some ugly words now and then. 

Gobble gobble; David Bloom offers the following thoughts on Livni's image as a dove:

Livni wants to make the wall that steals 9.5% of the West Bank, including its most arable land, into the new border. Amnesty International reports: "While the Israeli government official position has been that the fence/wall is a temporary structure, all indications suggest otherwise. In November 2005, Tzipi Livni, then Justice Minister, stated publicly that the fence/wall would serve as “the future borders of the state of Israel”.

On Meretz USA's weblog, you can see one of the contributers is Hillel Schenker. He recently wrote this article in The Nation, in which he called Livni a "dove."

"In the short term, Kadima will now choose between Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni–whose political path from Likud princess to dove who sees reality as it is runs parallel to Olmert"

Does Schenker agree with making the wall the new border? Is Meretz/the Nation giving their imprimatur to Livni? A Palestinian negotiator once told me, "the debate between Sharon and Yossi Beilin is not over whether to steal Palestinian land, but how much."

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