
Seliger Speaks of the ‘Oppression’ of Palestinians…

Here’s the latest response to me from Ralph Seliger of Meretz. Note that he refers to the “oppression” of Palestinians. Good on ya mate. I’ll have more to say later. Seliger:

You keep on wanting to fight us as Zionists whether you have an argument or not. As I’ve said, the ongoing conflict with Israel
and the oppression of Palestinians is a contributing factor (but
certainly not the definitive reason) for Arab and Muslim violence
against the West. My calling this “an irritant” is hardly a reason to
go hyperbolic.  

Once Iraq was defeated and placed in a box by the 1991 Gulf War, it
was no longer a threat to Israel. That the 2003 invasion was being sold
to the mostly liberal Jewish community as a question of Israel’s
security is very different than the proposition that the US government
decided to invade in order to protect Israel. I would hope that you
could still come to see this.

Meretz USA did not buy into this notion, so we as Zionists have
nothing to be “ashamed about” in this regard. Even I, who wanted to see
a murderous dictator overthrown for the sake of the Iraqis themselves,
came to see the invasion as a bad idea even before it happened.

If my words are not emotional and definitive enough for you, so be
it. But your complaints are misplaced because we progressive
Zionists did not support Bush’s Iraq policy nor do we support Israeli
policies that perpetuate occupation and oppression of the Palestinians.

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