If the article says ‘the war is wrong’ 6 times, why is the headline ‘Darkness in Qassam-land’?

Once again the American press can't deal with sharp criticism of Israel. Here's a piece in the Washington Post by Julie Chaitin, an Israeli living in the Negev, who teaches social work. The headline is "Darkness in Qassam-Land." 

This war is wrong. It is wrong because it cannot achieve its manifest
goals — long-term "normal" life for the residents of the Negev region.
The war is morally wrong because most of the victims are Palestinian
and Israeli civilians whose only "crime" is that they live in Negev or
Gaza. This war is wrong because it is not heading toward a viable
solution of the conflict but is instead creating more hatred and
greater determination on the part of both peoples to harm one another.
It is wrong because it is leading to stronger feelings that we have
nothing to lose by striking further, with greater force. This war is wrong because…
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