Hamas and WINEP deserve one another

The truce is expired, Hamas is making belligerent noises toward Israel, fearful of invasion.

"There is an increasing likelihood of Israel invading Gaza  before
Obama's comes into office irrespective of whether Hamas decides to
extend the truce, if Israel's past actions between changes in the White
House can be seen as precedents," says Jeff Blankfort. Here is AIPAC spinoff, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, "preparing members of Congress as well as its readership for that
to happen." WINEP's belligerent report:

Once the IDF has broken the initial resistance and occupied its
territorial objectives, armed opposition will not necessarily end.
Hamas and other Palestinian armed organizations have the capability to
mount prolonged resistance to any IDF presence, even if at a relatively
low level. Rooting out armed cells from within the population is likely
to prove time consuming and result in additional IDF and civilian

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