
’19-year-old children hold guns pointed at the heads of 5-year-old children’

I urge all readers to watch this video, which will be shown some day at the Holocaust Memorial. It is the voice of an Israeli woman (affiliated with Machsom Watch) pleading with Obama to end the occupation–and there are countless images of Palestinians at checkpoints, humiliated, treated like cattle,  standing on lines for hours, herded, crowded. Old women bent over with canes forced to walk thru the dust. Students in lines watching their dreams evaporate. Israeli soldiers with their guns pointed at the heads of little girls. Grown women squirming with their shopping through gaps in the wall. Grown men undoing their clothes in public to be searched. All this happened in our time!

The Israeli says she finds it hard to pursue her career and enjoy her children when she knows that just to get to work for Palestinians is a career. Oh save us from this horror, which the New Republic, and the New York Times, and the Washington Post, and all the leading Jewish organizations, have tried to convince Americans for years is not apartheid. And as to my claim in the first line–it will be in the Holocaust Memorial because this is the Holocaust wound in the Jewish people. As Avrum Burg says, having too quickly forgiven the Germans, we have put all that rage on innocent Arabs.                                  (Phil Weiss)

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