
‘Why do they hate us?’

Remember when everyone ran around after 9/11 saying, Why do they hate us? Well, are we still innocent? Ibrahim Kalin, an assistant prof at Georgetown, has this answer in a Turkish publication:

After the 2009 Gaza massacre, the hawks in
both Israel and the United States should have no question about why
millions of people around the world hate them. The Israeli propaganda
machine is trying to define this war in terms of a clash between
Islamic fundamentalists and the civilized values of the West. After
1,000 dead and 4,000 wounded, what civilized values are we talking
about? The propaganda machine, so shamelessly crafted to cover the ugly
face of Israel's suicidal war in Gaza, may delude clueless Americans
and Europeans but it cannot mislead the conscientious peoples of the

The so-called international community, including the UN and the European Union, has also failed miserably in the Gaza massacre.

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