E tu– ‘Tikkun’ gives space for official Jewish argument that Gaza was ‘just war’

Here is the forthcoming Tikkun magazine. The articles are not yet on-line. But isn't this curious. Here is what looks to be a great piece on Gaza by a meticulous moral scholar, Jerry Slater:

A Perfect Moral Catastrophe: Just War Philosophy and the Israeli Attack on Gaza. Putting the blame where it is deserved: Israeli policies.

Sounds like I'd agree with Slater! But right under that is this:

Gaza: A Just War.
A Response to Jerome Slater by DOUG LIEB.
No. The violence in Gaza is Hamas's fault.

Who's Lieb? An executive assistant at the American Jewish Committee, which is of course also running Paul Berman's claim that Hamas is as genocidal as the Nazis.
Hold on now. Tikkun is the Jewish left. It has provided shelter from the storm, on a night or two anyway, to anti-Zionist Jews. Why is it running this kind of stuff? Because communal Jewish life remains captured by Zionism and the Holocaust, that's why.
And next time you wonder why mainstream liberal Jewry remains hospitable to neoconservatism, indeed neoconservatism was suckled by the community, this is why. Neoconservatism can even hold forth at Tikkun. 
Which is why the coalition that will change American policy cannot form  inside the Jewish community. It must absolutely be multicultural, and include Jews.

P.S. Related: Here is Michael Warschawski saying that in the wake of Gaza's horror, leftwing Zionism (Meretz, Peace Now) has reached a deadend. To use a Lincoln word, we must find a new "combination."

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