
George Clooney picks smart friends

One of the only actors we have who has political guts, George Clooney, is reported to be dating the lovely and talented Pakistani writer Fatima Bhutto. Two years ago Bhutto wrote, in the wake of the Lebanon war launched by an "aggressor," Israel [emphasis mine]:

Another small box, in the papers a month ago, which you were not meant to see either, had a statement from the President of the American Congress-Council for World Jewry, Jack Rosen. Speaking from Islamabad, Mr Rosen assured the people of Pakistan that the negotiations for peace with Israel have not been set back by this recent Lebanon debacle. No, Mr Rosen said, moderate Muslims in Pakistan are excitedly still working to ensure that Israel will have a new trading partner in the East. Who are these moderates, these Pakistanis that Mr Rosen is so confidently talking about? I will not sign my name to recognise a criminal state whose occupation and annihilation of a legacy of people continues unabashedly more than fifty years after its founding and I have the feeling that I am not alone.

No, hon, you're not alone. Why, a Pakistani sent it to us! And here's a little prayer that Clooney's political education continues; and that he use his many powers to educate the American people….
(Phil Weiss)

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