
On anniversary of their daughter’s killing, the Corries are thinking about Tristan Anderson and Palestinian dignity

Great people, the Corries. Here's their statement on their daughter's commemoration. Excerpt:

In Rachel's case, though a thorough, credible and transparent
investigation was promised by the Israeli Government, after six years,
the position of the U.S. Government remains that such an investigation
has not taken place. In March 2008, Michele Bernier-Toff, Managing
Director of the Office of Overseas Citizen Services at the Department
of State wrote, “We have consistently requested that the Government of
Israel conduct a full and transparent investigation into Rachel's
death. Our requests have gone unanswered or ignored.” Now, the attacks
on all the people of Gaza and the recent one on Tristan Anderson in
Ni'lin cry out for investigation and accountability. We call on
President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton, and members of Congress to
act with fortitude and courage to ensure that the atrocities that have
occurred are addressed by the Israeli Government and through relevant
international and U.S. law. We ask them to act immediately and
persistently to stop the impunity enjoyed by the Israeli military, not
to encourage it.

Despite the pain, we have once again felt privileged to enter briefly
into the lives of Rachel's Palestinian friends in Gaza. We are moved by
their resilience and heartened by their song, dance, and laughter
amidst the tears. Rachel wrote in 2003, “I am nevertheless amazed at
their strength in being able to defend such a large degree of their
humanity–laughter, generosity, family time—against the incredible
horror occurring in their lives…..I am also discovering a degree of
strength and of the basic ability for humans to remain human in the
direst of circumstances…I think the word is dignity.” On this sixth
anniversary of Rachel's killing, we echo her sentiments.

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