
‘Better a bomb than bombing,’ says Obama (per Israeli TV)

Ira Glunts has been watching Israeli TV, which is suggesting that the Obama administration is going to be very realist indeed:
On Sunday night, the main Israeli news broadcast (Mabat, Sunday
May 3) stated that according to very high level European officials, the
Obama administration has “reconciled with the idea of a nuclear Iran.”
Per this report, which was repeatedly described as troubling,
top Israeli officials also confirm the European account.

The newscast
further reported that Israeli officials say that members of the Obama
administration have expressed their willingness to accept an Iranian
nuclear weapon and have used the phrase, “better bomb than bombing.” In
other words, it is better that Iran has a bomb than the U.S. bomb Iran
, this according the Israeli newscaster. It was specifically stated,
according to this report, that the Obama administration plans not to do
anything to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
I have no idea
how reliable this report is, but I imagine it is worth watching.
Some say it is disinformation.
Today the other shoe dropped. The U.S. wants Israel in the Non-Proliferation Treaty. It is the first story on Israel’s TV news tonight. They are freaked. And they are relating it to the alleged change in attitude of the Obama administration toward a nuclear Iran.

Reactions are mixed. Jerusalem Post say no problema. Dov Weisglass disagrees.

Israeli television has also had a clip of someone in military uniform who the Israeli news claimed was the Iranian Military Chief of Staff (looked like the clip was from Iran TV). The Iranian, who looked to be about 100 years old, proclaimed that if Iran was attacked by Israel, Iran would destroy Israel in 11 days. The Israeli newscaster said that this was very important because it is the first time that Iran has ever made a threat that was so specific.
Who knows what is real with these people?

I think something is happening but I don’t know what it is.