
Yale Press book says that Jews value human life more than Arabs (and are also better drivers!)

"The mindset and basic values of Israeli Jewish society and Palestinian Muslim society are so different and mutually exclusive as to render a vision of binational statehood tenable only in the most disconnected and unrealistic of minds. The value placed on human life and the rule of (secular) law is completely different–as exhibited, in Israel itself, in the vast hiatus between Jewish and Arab perpetration of crimes and lethal road traffic violations. Arabs, to put it simply, proportionally commit far more crimes (and not only ones connected to property) and commit far more lethal traffic violations than do Jews. In large measure, this is a function of different value systems (such as the respect accorded to human life and the rule of law)."
From Israeli historian Benny Morris's new book, One State, Two States: Resolving the Israel/Palestine Conflict, published by Yale University Press. p. 187. I'll tell you how it ends when I finish the book.

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