Does Obama ‘believe’ in the Nakba?

Malcolm Hoenlein didn't like Ron Kessler's report on his comments about Jews being not crazy about Obama, apparently. And questioning what Obama "believes." He "backtracked," says. Well, is now releasing the transcript of the original interview. Here's a bit on the Nakba:

Hoenlein: Second, the idea that the sort of indirect equating of the
Holocaust and the suffering of the Jews with what Palestinians endured.
The Palestinian refugee problem, or dislocation as he said, didn’t come
about because of the creation of the Jewish state, it came about
because the Arab states declared war on Israel, and warned the Arabs
that they would suffer the same fate as the Jews if they didn’t get
out. And then kept them as political pawns.

Kessler: And then to compare killing 6 million Jews with just displacing people…["just displacing people" is Orwellian speech for expulsion, ethnic cleansing]

Hoenlein: I’m saying there’s no comparison between the
Holocaust, even if it was an indirect one, and he didn’t intend it to
be an explicit one. I mean there is no comparison between that and what
happened to Palestinians.

How typical, that reporter and source agree in dismissing the Palestinian experience.
Now Kessler wants to know if Hoenlein voted for Obama:

Kessler: Could I ask did you vote for Obama and now do you regret it?

Hoenlein: I never discuss how I vote.

Kessler: But have you heard that from some Jewish leaders, just privately?

Hoenlein: That they’re saying that?

Kessler: Yeah.

Hoenlein: Let’s say there’s a lot of questioning going on about what he really believes, what does he really stand for. I think there’s a lot of uncertainty right now.

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