Netanyahu thinks he’s pinned Obama on settlements

MJ Rosenberg at TPM:

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu believes that President Obama has
already blinked…. There is no other way to interpret Netanyahu's dismissal of the settlement issue in his interview with RAI TV in Italy.
Settlements? "I think that the more we spend time arguing about this,
the more we waste time instead of moving towards peace," he said…

Netanyahu believes that President Obama has gone as far as he
intends to go and that he need only dig in to win. Is he right?.. As
Obama said about Iran, the whole world is watching. [Not that anyone asked about it at the press conference today] If the
administration flinches, it will be noticed. And our credibility in the
Middle East will go back to where it was before Jan. 20.

Oh and hey look at this: Israel proceeding with another 240 homes in a settlement south of Ramallah, defying the U.S., and further circumscribing the movements of Palestinian farmers. (Thanks to Susie Kneedler.)

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