Sullivan says the lobby enables Israel to ‘give the U.S. the finger’

I love our secret sharers. Sometimes they’re not so secret. Here’s Andrew Sullivan, fighting mad, and titling his blogpost, "Israel’s Veto":

Robert Satloff reminds Obama of a cardinal rule of American politics: no pressure on Israel ever. Just keep giving them money and they will give the US the finger in return. The only permitted position is to say you oppose settlements in the West Bank, while doing everything you can to keep them growing and advancing.

When is Sullivan going to say what he knows? When is he going to connect his indoctrination by Marty Peretz into the secret order of the media always supporting Israel with the Atlantic magazine’s fondness for IDF veterans as analysts of that part of the world with the Atlantic’s killing of Walt and Mearsheimer’s historic piece, with every other bit of what Abraham Lincoln called a conspiracy when he was fighting bipartisan, unspoken political support for the evil of his time, slavery. And by evil I mean occupation, not the Jewish state per se. The blackmail here is the one Chris Matthews echoed piously last night: any criticism of Israel’s behavior is cast as a refusal to give the Jews a refuge in the world.

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