Talk to Ambassador Rice about the future

Adam Horowitz said it earlier, Israel simply asked and the US delivered.

"We have very serious concerns about many of the recommendations in the [Goldstone] report… We have long expressed our very serious concern with the mandate that was given by the Human Rights Council prior to our joining the council, which we viewed as unbalanced, one-sidee and basically unacceptable… The appropriate venue for this report to be considered is the Human Rights Council [and not the more serious Security Council as the report suggests]… Our view is that we need to be focused on the future."
— Susan E. Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, 9/17/2009

The "we" of course stands for "Israel Lobby". Let the administration hear it from you: Click here to go to the Mission website and tell Ambassador Rice that it’s her country’s diplomacy that’s flawed, and not the UN report.
[A friend picks up that word "future." Rice’s injunction to ignore the Goldstone recommendation to launch an international inquiry on Gaza exactly echoes Obama’s resistance to an investigation of the evidence on Guantanamo and the torture lawyers. Both Obama and Rica have said, Look to the future, do not delve into the past. This sounds as if they oppose accountability IN PRINCIPLE. (What could be the name of the principle?)]
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