the Gaza international lip service

I am so angry.
The massacre happens. And no one does anything. People in Gaza are still living in the rubble of the destruction.
The UN commission report happens.
CNN mentions it, shows a clip of Justice Goldstone speaking then interviews Israeli spokesman Mark Regev.
Discreditation, denial, deception. CNN thanks Regev for his time.
Followed by a preview of Christiane Amanpour’s special, "Generation Islam," in which we hear her asking a man in Gaza regarding his children, "How do you teach them not to hate?"
Next up: Israel does its own investigation and everyone is happy when it says there were minor infractions of its most ethical military code.
Or, they aren’t happy. And take it to the Security Council, at which point we all know what’ll happen.
It’s all a sham.
[P.S. Here’s how to talk about Gaza/the Goldstone commission: Laura Flanders gathers Neve Gordon, Diana Buttu, and Phyllis Bennis.]
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