
Avnery: Barack W. Obama

J Street’s aim is to enable progressive American Jews to pressure Obama to force the two-state-solution. So far the pressure seems to be coming from Palestine. Uri Avnery:

"Mahmoud Abbas is fed up. The day before yesterday he withdrew his candidacy for the coming presidential election in the Palestinian Authority.

"I understand him.

"He feels betrayed. And the traitor is Barack Obama….

"At long last an American president who understood that he had to put an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, not only for the sake of the two peoples, but mainly for the US national interests. This conflict is largely responsible for the tidal waves of anti-American hatred that sweep the Muslim masses from ocean to ocean…

"As high as the hopes were then, so deep is the disappointment now. Nothing of all these has come about. Worse: the Obama administration has shown by its actions and omissions that it is not really different from the administration of George W. Bush."

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