
Holocaust revisionism/denial

We should all be against Holocaust revisionism/denial. The points that Deborah Lipstadt raised lately at Harvard Hillel are painfully valid:

Lipstadt also discussed what she called “soft-core Holocaust denial,” a new form of denial in which the Holocaust “gets mixed up with other things” and is “used as a misrepresentation.” As an example, she cited the comparison of George W. Bush to Hitler, which she said suggested an implicit denial of the Holocaust.

“To compare [Bush] to Hitler is to turn history on its head,” said Lipstadt.

Or on her blog:

Whatever you may think about Israel’s policies vis a vis the Palestinians, to compare it to the Holocaust is to distort what is going on today as well as what went on during WWII.

But what about Holocaust revisionism that compares Arabs, Iranians, and Palestinians to the Nazis. Does that count?

LOS ANGELES – Drawing a direct analogy between Iran and Nazi Germany, Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu asserted Monday that the Iranian nuclear program posed a threat not only to Israel , but to the entire western world. There was "still time," however, to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons, he said.

"It’s 1938 and Iran is Germany . And Iran is racing to arm itself with atomic bombs," Netanyahu told delegates to the annual United Jewish Communities General Assembly, repeating the line several times, like a chorus, during his address. "Believe him and stop him," the opposition leader said of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "This is what we must do. Everything else pales before this."

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