Scary JPost columnist calls for one-state-solution

I say that liberals have been shaken up by the failure of the two-state solution and are beginning to look at one-state ideas. Well, looky here, Caroline Glick, neocon in the Jerusalem Post:

As Netanyahu knows, there is consensus support among Israelis for his plan to ensure that the country retains defensible borders in perpetuity. This involves establishing permanent Israeli control over the Jordan Valley and the large Jewish population blocs in Judea and Samaria. In light of the well-recognized failure of the two-state solution [horse feathers edited cause I just ate my dinner] … Israel should strike out on a new course and work toward the integration of Judea and Samaria, including its Palestinian population, into Israeli society. In the first instance, this will require the implementation of Israeli law in the Jordan Valley and the large settlement blocs.

Thanks to David Epstein.

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