
A war of values

The video above was shot by Max Blumenthal a year ago today. I wonder if any of the people in it have changed their views?

I’ve finally gotten around to reading the Goldstone Report. It’s an amazing document. In addition to the legal analysis and incredible documentation of the destruction wrought by the Israeli attack last winter, it is also full of small windows into Palestinian life that I find incredibly moving. Here’s one that I couldn’t help but think about as I re-watched the video above:

The Mission was struck by the resilience and dignity shown by people in the face of dire circumstances. UNRWA Director of Operations, John Ging, relayed to the Mission the answer of a Gaza teacher during a discussion after the end of the Israeli military operations about strengthening human rights education in schools. Rather than expressing scepticism at the relevance of teaching human rights in a context of renewed denial of rights, the teacher unhesitantly supported the resumption of human rights education: “This is a war of values, and we are not going to lose it”.

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