
Someone explain this to me

The two-state solution would create a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. The two chunks of land are 30 miles apart.

I always heard the word "contiguous" Palestinian state. What is contiguous (in contact with) about Gaza and the West Bank?

Would you accept a state that you had to travel an hour or whatever on a road through someone else’s land to visit your relatives, if you were even allowed past checkpoints? Would Zionists? Would American liberal Zionists accept such conditions for a Jewish state?

Is such a state viable? I noticed on my recent trip that the culture of Gaza and the culture of the West Bank are outwardly very different. Is that any surprise? Did non-contiguity work in West Pakistan and East Pakistan, which is now Bangladesh?

I’ve never understood this. And I don’t mean to undermine the peace process or anything, but it doesn’t seem fair.

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