
‘Washington Post’ says boycott of West Bank products hurts Palestinians

Here’s an article in the Washington Post about the Palestinian boycott of West Bank settlement products. Unbelievable take on it: that it’s the Palestinians who are provoking bad will by boycotting products made in settlements that of course are part of the good will Israel is promoting towards a fair and just peace. When really, the situation is just horrible for the Palestinians who work in and help build the settlements. They take these jobs to help feed their families yet in the end the goal of the settlements is to rob them of their homes. Essentially they are working to dispossess themselves.

I see parallels with what is happening in the Gulf Coast. Fisherman who were making an honest living are forced to work jobs for BP, the company that has destroyed their livelihood, so they can feed their families.

At least the Post has brought attention to the non-violent movement.

[Weiss adds: Note the statement in the piece that BDS may well be a cover for violent Hamas goals.]

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