Flotilla was successful: NBC Nightly News airs searing report on Gaza ‘prison’

It finally happened. A network news show did an honest report about conditions in Gaza. Tom Aspell’s report was on NBC tonight. The blockade reduces children to collecting pebbles for concrete and keeps anyone from leaving– "it sentences them to life in a 140 square mile prison." Half the population is under 15. The hospitals can’t deal with premature births, the children are traumatized and act out aggressively. 

All that was missing was a trip across the border, and a demonstration of the vast difference in standard of living enjoyed by the Israelis of Ashdod– in the "western" country Israelis are always bragging on. (I really don’t understand how someone can observe this persecution and collective punishment, so reminiscent of images I grew up with of life in the Warsaw ghetto, and believe in the Zionist project.)

Also bear in mind: we would not have had this report but for the people who were killed on the Mavi Marmara. (Thanks to Seham.)

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