The brand is tanking, in the East River

The Conference of Presidents, a lead group in the Israel lobby, is as we speak leading some kind of flotilla in the East River near the United Nations to demand the release of Gilad Shalit by Hamas, according to twitter feeds from Dan Sieradski (congrats on your marriage, Dan) and Gal Beckerman. Sieradski: "conference of presidents hosts booze cruise "flotilla" for gilad shalit." And from Beckerman, this:

Israel Counsel General: "gilad shalit is the only one in gaza lacking human rights."

If this statement is true, this is why the Israeli brand is tanking. Complete indifference to another people’s suffering. The world sees this and is shocked. Here’s the flotilla at Conference of Presidents site. (And yes, my heart goes out to Shalit. As it does to the 10,000 Palestinian prisoners, and to the people suffering Israeli persecution in Gaza.)

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