
Neocon front orgs

Speaking about the new Emergency Committee for Israel that is pushing war with Iran and is getting a ton of attention on CNN and MSNBC (Bill Kristol’s behind it), I missed this from Eli Clifton at Lobelog last week, a shrewd catch that historians will some day write books about.

In an interview with Deborah Solomon published by the New York Times Sunday Magazine last week, the chairman of [the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq] CLI’s advisory board, former Secretary of State George Shultz, had this to say about his role and involvement:

Shultz: There was a group — there was a committee that didn’t really exist, was a name, and it supported the war.

Solomon: What do you mean it didn’t exist?

Shultz: It didn’t exist in the sense that it never met, and I don’t even know who the members of it were.

Clifton adds, "That’s often how neo-cons work," and calls these groups LHOs, or Letter Head Organizations. Kudos to the Times’s Solomon, by the way.

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