
Deutscher saw the future before he died in ’67

Tariq Ali, quoting Isaac Deutscher in the Guardian (some years ago). Note that Deutscher died shortly after the ’67 War:

In his last interview – after the 1967 six-day war – the historian Isaac Deutscher, whose next-of-kin had died in the Nazi camps and whose surviving relations lived in Israel, said: "To justify or condone Israel’s wars against the Arabs is to render Israel a very bad service indeed and harm its own long-term interest." Comparing Israel to Prussia, he issued a sombre warning: "The Germans have summed up their own experience in the bitter phrase ‘Man kann sich totseigen!’ ‘You can triumph yourself to death’."

France, by the way, ended its arms deals with Israel out of anger that it had initiated hostilities in 67; DeGaulle felt betrayed– I just read in Sasha Polokow-Suransky’s great new book.  And of course the U.S. is a potted plant. We swallow anything.

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