
Closed for atonement, but check out these recent highlights

There won’t be much posting around here for the next day or so, but I thought this would be a good chance to highlight some of the great material we’ve had on the site lately.

First and foremost, Phil has been making his way through Jordan and Israel/Palestine. He’ll still be there for a few more days, but catch up on what he’s been up to. We’ve also had two small milestones for the site lately – we just wrapped up Rachel Marcuse’s seven part Birthright (and post-Birthright) travelogue, and we just began Udi Aloni’s exciting Brooklyn-Jenin project. Please be sure to check both of them out. 

Other than that, some other recent highlights for me have been Hannah Mermelstein’s chapter The Search for 1948 from the new Shifting Sands anthology, Max Blumenthal and Joseph Dana’s new video Feeling the Loyalty to the Jewish State, Ali Abunimah’s post on the US/Israeli intel firm spying on environmental, peace and LGBT groups in Pennsylvania, our look at Islamophobia in the US, including the ongoing Marty Peretz controversy at Harvard, and finally Ahmed Moor’s must read op-ed in the Los Angeles Times responding to Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren. Whew, that’s a lot, and that’s all just from the past week.

And of course, If you appreciate the news and analysis you receive here on Mondoweiss please consider making a donation today. We really depend on the generosity of our readers to keep going.

Okay, that’s it for now, off to atone. We’ll be back soon.

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