Constructing a nationalist narrative


When I was in Israel and Palestine, I saw the words at left above on bumper stickers and billboards. Jeff Halper translated: “Judea and Samaria: The Story of Every Jew.” Judea and Samaria are the biblical names for the West Bank, and the slogan is part of a campaign by the colonists to recruit secular and non-ideological Jews to the cause of the colonies.

Here is the articulate Marc Prowisor, at facebook, explaining the idea for you, especially as it relates to a countervailing idea– that there have been other people living on this land for millennia.

It doesn’t matter what kind of Jew you are, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Progressive, Regressive, Expressive, and so on and so on, if you are a Jew this land is part of you, like it or not. The connection occurs the second you claim to be a Jew, sorry, but that’s the way it is. When you go to Shul, Synagogue, Temple, Prayer Meeting, whatever works for you, and read from the Torah, Prophets, or any of the other Holy writings, or when you just sit back at home and are reading the best selling book of all times, the places you hear mentioned in your history are here in Judea and Samaria. It is who you are, whether you are aware of it or not. When anyone in this world talks about giving this land up, they are talking about you. They are talking about giving up a piece of your history, your heritage, and your land. Now there are many who don’t care whether this land is given up or whom it belongs to, but facts are facts and we must accept them. In fact, anyone who accepts what is written in that Book has to accept this fact, if you don’t accept the Book, that’s something else….

Lately there are so many making every effort possible in distancing themselves from this land and its history and doing whatever they can to get the Jews out of this land. The party line is that giving up Judea and Samaria to the “Palestinians” will bring piece to the region, and how is that? By giving a non-people a land? There are nearly 300,000 Jews living in Judea and Samaria; that is not just a number that is a reality. These people do not live in shacks, they live in houses, and they have their livelihoods there and are raising their families there. There is no way that 300,000 people are going to just get up and leave.


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