
Drumroll please

You are standing on the wrong side of history. That’s why the ground feels shaky beneath your support of Israel. You are standing on the side of a military occupation that daily strips people of their belongings, of their livelihoods, of their dignity and cuts off the very food they eat, the water they drink. You are on the other side of Nelson Mandela’s legacy. The other side of every native people’s struggle for self-determination, for human rights and for basic human dignity. It is not for me that you educate yourself. It is for your own soul. For your own conscience. I am comfortable on solid ground. It is physically defenseless, but morally impenetrable ground. Whatever research you chose to do and what you choose to learn is for you and only for you. My correspondence was with you, as a woman I thought I could be friends with. I was not asking for your help. But one day you will be asked for something else. Perhaps your children or grandchildren will want you to explain what you did when Palestinians were being wiped off the map so you and every Jew around the world could have dual citizenship, a summer home, if you will, on top of my grandparent’s graves.

Her courage knows no bounds. I am very proud to announce Susan Abulhawa as one of our Stellar Judges in the upcoming Mondo Awards Week beginning in 9 days. Novelist, founder of Playgrounds For Palestine, an NGO dedicated to upholding the Right to Play for Palestinian children living under occupation and breathtaking Dragonslayer, there are literally no limits to Susan’s Rock Star Qualites.

Stay tuned for further introductions of our incredible panel, the party has not even started yet. Get your entries in to guarantee a magnificent celebration of our community. Be there or be square! Be creative, be yourself, open your heart and tell us your story and most importantly tell us your Inspirations. Our community is full of giants and rock stars and this an opportunity for our community to really shine. We want to hear from you.

Thank you Susan, and a big hand of applause!

And please send all entries to: and

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