
‘JVP’ in NYT– and Zionist leader hearts ‘our barbarian’ Mubarak…

The NYT finally gives Jewish Voice for Peace some well-deserved ink:

The [Jewish Voice for Peace] activists say they are not working against Israel, but against Israeli government policies they believe are discriminatory.

Exactly right. It’s a decent article for an apparent (?) first stab at covering a major grassroots movement that’s been around for 15 years. But when the heck will the NYT open its oped pages to JVP’s leaders? That’s the next step.

P.S. Check out this breathtakingly patronizing, imperialistic nugget from former Zionist Organization of America (SF) President John Rothmann:

“He [Mubarak] may be a barbarian, but he’s our barbarian,” Mr. Rothmann continued. “You need to have an alternative, and we have never been able to create one.”

Wow. Just…. wow. When the Middle East’s Only Pretend Democracy creates a new, improved, alternative barbarian to replace Mubarak, supporters of Israel’s Apartheid can rest assured that 99.99% of Egyptians will vote for said barbarian. Right?

For Rothmann and his cohort, Democracy is irrelevant. Freedom is irrelevant. Equality is irrelevant. Respect is irrelevant. It’s all about defending Israel’s settlements on stolen land, and preserving Greater Israel as a permanent Apartheid state.

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