
‘NYT’ readers bridle at Netanyahu’s congressional conquest, saying it goes against the American interest

A friend writes: When you look at the lopsided recommendations on the readers’ comments about this New York Times article– in which the Republicans’ invitation to Netanyahu to speak to Congress has put Obama in a difficult position– you get the idea that a large majority of Americans are opposed to Israel’s policies.  It makes you wonder why this opposition does not seem to have an impact on Congressional elections. Some of the comments:

North Carolina
April 21st, 2011
8:08 am
I would like someone to tell me how Israel strategically enhances the US position in the Mideast.
St. Louis
April 21st, 2011
8:13 am
The republican party is obviously pandering to the Jewish vote in 2012. It would not surprise me if they increased the aid to Israel as well while the cut funding to our own needed programs. I have no use for this arrogant nationalist, Netanyahu, and it it were up to me I would not even let him into the country. He is no ally or friend to the USA.
Moorestown, NJ
April 21st, 2011
8:10 am
It would be interesting to watch Rep Cantor and Boehner putting a foreign country’s interest in front of US interest. It appears that the foreign policy of US needs a seal of approval from Tel Aviv.
Where is Congresswoman Michelle Bachman with her LOYALTY TEST? Playing politics with this sensitive issue is not in our interest.
binghamton, ny
April 21st, 2011
8:31 am
Another war criminal the Republicans admire. Netanyahu disgraces his country. The invitation disgraces ours.
April 21st, 2011
8:12 am
it is clear that our congress cares about and represent the interest of Israel rather than the interest of the American people. It is about time to speak up and tell Israel that we need to think and act for the best interest of America, enough is enough, congress must represent the all Americans and not the Israelis
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