
‘Colonization is indefensible, not 1967 borders’ – Cohen in NYT

Roger Cohen busts out a brilliant catchphrase in the NY Times that could serve as the basis for the next Young Jewish Proud protest:

The 1967 lines are not “indefensible,” as Netanyahu declared in his immediate response to Obama’s speech. What is “indefensible” over time for Israel is colonizing another people.

The NYT oped discourse is shifting just a bit. Cohen’s on board the “colonization” bandwagon, Thomas Friedman’s said “Apartheid” twice in recent months. The next step is for one of them to talk about 63 years of “ethnic cleansing and continuous Nakba.”

Unfortunately, Cohen’s boldness stops short at the drive for U.N. recognition of statehood, which he calls “a return to useless symbolism and the narrative of victimhood.” If it’s so useless, then why does he say it “must be resisted”? Was Israel’s declaration of statehood useless symbolism? What’s good for the Jews is never good for the Palestinians. Racist privilege drips from the words.

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