
Obama is driving a wedge with settlements, in the American polity

More evidence of my theory that Obama is trying to drive a wedge with the Netanyahu/1967 line talk and that he thinks he can keep the Democratic base even as he alienates Netanyahu; here is Gene Lyons, a Democratic partisan if ever there was one, saying at Salon that Obama has outflanked Netanyahu politically. Not that this will make any difference in the end, not that Obama’s parameters are meaningful; but the politics are interesting.

President Obama got a big laugh when he addressed AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) three days later. “Since questions have been raised,” he said, “let me repeat what I actually said on Thursday — not what I was reported to have said.”

Obama didn’t have to say by whom. Everybody understood. Interrupted by frequent applause, he repeated America’s commitment to Israel’s security and to the peace process. Netanyahu wound up looking like a chump. Regardless of the reaction in Tel Aviv, his cheap grandstanding play didn’t hurt Obama at all with American supporters, while marking Netanyahu as a clumsy opportunist not to be trusted.

You’d think they’d learn.

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