
Almost there! Help us reach our fundraising goal with a 2-for-1 donation match

Thank you! We’re already more than three-quarters to our goal of raising $40,000. That money will help us hire a part time editorial assistant and put the site on far more solid footing. Towards this end, we are excited to announce that a very generous donor has come forward and offered to help us meet our goal by matching every donation over $100 from here on out. This means your donation will now go twice as far in helping us bring you the news and stories you’ve come to expect from 

Donate to now
to keep open the free flow of information about the Middle East

And also remember, we are marking our exciting new partnership with the Center for Economic Research and Social Change, and Haymarket Books by offering all donors of $100 or more a copy of Omar Barghouti’s new book on BDS and Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe’s book, Gaza in Crisis.

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