
JINSA says that Israel has been all for an Arab state since Partition

The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs’ latest email report is pure propaganda:

Since 1947, Israel [sic] has agreed to a “two state solution” in which there would be a Jewish State of Israel and a Palestinian Arab State. Through wars and intifadas and BDS movements, Israel has asked only that its democratic existence as the national homeland of the Jewish people be recognized by its neighbors – and that the “secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force” promised by UN Resolution 242 be accepted.  The Arab states (save Jordan and Egypt) and the Palestinians have refused.

This is horse manure. Israel didn’t exist in 1947, for one thing. The Zionists accepted Partition, but they never acted in good faith to effect that Partition. And this is the lesson: Partitions are imposed on conflicting ethnicities. Those groups don’t happily agree to them.

Serbia doesn’t recognize Kosovo. Still, Kosovo got a state. If the world had asked India or Pakistan to sign off on the existence of the other as constituted by that UN Partition, there would not be states there either (many disputed territories between the two).

The truth is that Partition was never imposed in Israel/Palestine; no the whole cake was given to Israel, with you-know-who’s-blessing.

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