
Why I call myself a Zionist

After posting Jdledell’s comment, “What I’ve Witnessed on the West Bank,” to a large response, Weiss asked Jdledell why he calls himself a Zionist and why he believes in the two state solution. His response:

My posting of Israeli abuse in the Palestinian territories generated lots of commentary for and against what I wrote. Some questions were raised about the authenticity of my accusations. In addition, there was some subtle questioning of my motivation in writing about these abuses. In this follow up I will respond to these issues.

First and foremost I call myself a Zionist. A little background may help understanding of my position. In my family I am the keeper of what exists of our family history. Our roots date to Romania in the 1500’s. We were driven out of there to Croatia in the early 1700’s and from there moved to France in the early 1800’s to settle in the little town of Aix en Provence. Our history is full of references to pogroms and moving because we were Jewish. In later 1939 my grandfather sent his family to friends in the US because he could see evil on the horizon. In early 1943, my grandfather’s dry goods store was burned and 2 weeks later his house was burned. The local French people had turned against Jews after 100 years of good relations. My grandfather used shipping connections he had in Marseilles to get on a boat and eventually make his way to Lebanon. He walked across the border to Haifa where he settled and joined Irgun. Our immediate family was saved but we lost a lot of relatives in the Shoah.

It is this history of hundreds of years of running which makes me a Zionist. Perhaps it is nothing but emotion but I believe in the NEED for a Jewish homeland, run by Jews for Jews and protected by Jews. America has been kinder to Jews but my own childhood (I’m 67) was filled with taunts of Christ Killer and kike as well as subtle restrictions on where we could live and other activities.

To me a two state solution is absolutely essential to maintaining a majority Jewish state, our homeland. I am very concerned about the continued settlement building and the current right wing government going along with the status quo until there is no longer any room, either politically or geographically, to allow for a viable Palestinian state. Many settlers and Israeli Jews believe it is possible to continue to disenfranchise the Palestinians who remain in the West Bank (similar to East Jerusalem Palestinians) and thus retain a Jewish majority. Even if such a repugnant act by Israel were possible, it would not last long in the face of world condemnation and sanctions. Thus would be born a bi-national state which is the anathema of my family’s hopes and dreams for hundreds of years. 

My own personal connection with Israel was built by my grandfather. At his knee I learned everything about our faith, what it means to be Jewish. I worshipped my grandfather. In 1957 he brought me to Haifa for my bar mitzvah. I met many of his old comrades in arms, except Begin, who he detested. He ushered me into Ben Gurion’s office for a short visit and as an impressionable young man I was in awe. I lived in Israel during the early 1980’s but my wife never felt comfortable since she had a very difficult time learning Hebrew. An opportunity arose with a financial firm back in the US and I grabbed it.

As I have said previously, my relatives all live in Israel , mainly in settlements. Twice a year for the holidays we return, since I feel my faith stronger among Jews in Israel than back in the US. These times have a mystical calling to me. It is traveling in the West Bank virtually all the time I am in Israel that results in my seeing so many ugly episodes. Some people question why I do not photograph all these events. First when I visit Israel I am not a tourist so normally I do not carry a camera around. My purpose in traveling is to get from one settlement to another. Even though I have a cell phone, it’s always in my pocket. Since I had polio when I was two years old, I use crutches to get around and by the time I get the phone out without falling down whatever event I just witnessed is over.

Remember, these events last only a few seconds and unless I was there specifically to document abuse with a camera ready at all times, it is unlikely to capture anything incriminating.

The events involving IDF abuse usually take place at remote checkpoints manned by 6-10 soldiers – not major crossings. Much of the abuse took place at what I call flying checkpoints, set up on the spur of the moment surprising everyone, Jew and Arab alike. Much of the abuse I have witnessed was done by settlers, some by my relatives. Armed settlers have the power of life and death over Palestinians and especially the young men seem to enjoy abusing that power. These settlers enjoy almost unlimited immunity for their actions and the IDF knows it. Rarely, are any of them arrested and a conviction would poison relations with the entire community which upsets Israeli politicians no end. 

As the settlements have grown, so have their enlistments in the IDF. I can state categorically that the current IDF is not anything like the IDF of yesteryear. These yeshiva youth carry their hatred of everything Palestinian into their IDF service. This problem is only going to get worse and is one of the reasons we do not have much time left to implement a two state solution. 

The only way to really understand the realities of the occupation is to spend some extended time there – not as a quick visit tourist but some weeks dedicated to get educated. Spend some time in a settlement, it’s easy for a Jew to make arrangements, and meet and talk with them about their hopes, dreams and most importantly methods. I hope this background helps understanding of my experiences and motivations in taking the positions I do on Israel and Palestine.

In short, I believe in a two state solution based on the 1967 lines with MINOR land swaps. By minor I mean, Israel holds Jerusalem up to the Western Wall and a few of the close in Jerusalem suburbs and settlements VERY close to the green line. Har Homa. Ma’ale Adumim, Ariel etc would exist in a Palestinian state with Jewish minority rights. I posted a complete and detailed peace plan in Pat Lang’s website. /

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