
‘Fundamentalist-dominated state bent on expansion and war’ –Sullivan

I think we might be seeing the division of the Obama base over the issue. DailyKos is up in arms, the Turner-Weprin race in a liberal district is nauseating, and here is Sullivan saying that Israel is the “west’s spoiled child.” Just what Walt and Mearsheimer said 5 years ago and were smeared everywhere in our press for saying. Then Sullivan goes on a tear. (thanks to Voskamp):

Which ally is threatening conventional warfare if its own nuclear monopoly in the region is in any way threatened? And which ally is making it harder and harder for the US to shape a credible and potent strategy against Islamism?

This, by the way, is not the view of a cranky anti-Semite. Bob Gates believes it as strongly as Erdogan does… 

Israel is the exception to every rule. And its intransigence is beginning to force the US toward a horrible choice between allying ourselves with the tectonic democratic forces in the region, or backing a fundamentalist-dominated state bent on expansion and war.

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