
‘Haaretz’ columnist says Netanyahu/September will bring ‘death’ of dream of Jewish state

Why isn’t a voice like this in the New York Times? Carlos Strenger in Haaretz (thx to Paul Mutter):

September may bring the death of the two-state solution – and the Jewish state… What happens when the Palestinians realize come September that UN recognition doesn’t change their lives, that the settlements continue to expand, and the occupation continues?…

…all these [rightwing settler-inspired] proposed laws do not provide an answer to the simple question how a state with close to 40 percent Palestinian citizenry could maintain a Jewish character by democratic means.

Thus Netanyahu may go into history not only as the man who killed the two-state solution, but also the dream of Israel as the democratic homeland of the Jewish people that he claims to defend.

(The challenge to American Jews is to figure out what their real dream is, and to claim their galut inheritance, as integrators in western society, not the enablers of apartheid. My Jewish philosophy; thanks to 9/11 for allowing me to wrestle with these ideas.)

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