
Raising money, British Israel lobby brags about sending BBC anchor to Israel and pressing BBC editors to report ‘favourable line’

How does the lobby work the media? Here’s the playbook. A revealing email sent to the wrong folks, published by an English website (after the Daily Mail broke the story) in which the head of the English lobby describes meetings with leading media figures to push the pro-Israel line.

The lobbying included sending a BBC anchor “on a bespoke delegation” to Israel. And regular contact with BBC and SKY editors and journalists over the weekend “ensuring that the most objectively favourable line was taken.”

This is reportedly a fundraising email that got missent to the media. It was written by Lorna Fitzsimons, the head of British Israel Communications and Research Centre, or BICOM, the English version of the Israel lobby. (Thanks to Jews Sans Frontieres). Excerpts:

I thought you would be interested to hear of BICOM’s response to events over the weekend in Egypt as well as ongoing issues in the region…

Over the weekend, BICOM’s rapid response to the unfolding events in Egypt included distributing our analysis on Egyptian/Israeli relations to key UK Media contacts, generated extremely favourable responses. …

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