
US is all alone on ‘Israel Island’ –Munayyer in Chicago Trib

Yousef Munayyer of the Palestine Center has a strong op-ed in today’s Chicago Tribune that begins with a haunting picture of the U.S. isolating itself by vetoing the resolution against Israel’s settlement project in the Security Council back in February, then patiently describes the absurdity of the peace process. “Just another example of how this whole issue is going mainstream,” says Mark Wauck, who sent me link. “You just wouldn’t have seen this type of op-ed as recently as a year ago.” Munayyer:

Israel Island is not simply a metaphysical place, it is a mentality — one that has preferred isolation over cooperation, stubbornness and recalcitrance over genuine concessions and abiding by law, vetoes over pressuring Israel.

A valuable lesson from the Arab uprisings is that Israel cannot expect lasting peace with Arab regimes if it does not have peace with Arab nations. It can’t simply wall itself off from neighbors it has maligned and expect peaceful coexistence.

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