
Avigdor Lieberman’s PowerPoint for Diplomatic Success™

In four simple slides:

Slide 1. Punish Ramallah.

Slide 2. Topple Hamas.

Slide 3. ????

Slide 4. Mideast Peace!

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“collecting a price”

what a freak.

It may be simpler. If Israel attacks Iran, then Iran may respond by attacking the closest target it can: the US in Iraq. They don’t see the difference between USrael. That may be Israel’s calculation, which would also be their favoured way of maneouvring events. US lives for Israel’s relentless political thuggery? It wouldn’t be the first time. What does Israel care about American servicemen’s lives, as we have seen many times, but most significantly in the USS Liberty case. There is no doubt Israel wants the US to do its dirty work, it is just a question of how best to accomplish it. Chickenhawk shitstirrers.